Corporate / Private Groups

Value-Added Opportunities

There are only two ways to grow a business:  organically or via acquisition.


A Wealth of Possibility

Are you seeking a valued-added acquisition opportunity for your company? Are you a private equity or investment firm looking to diversify your portfolio? Mid America Advisors is a Kansas City-headquartered Intermediaries specializing in small business sales, mergers and acquisitions advisory services for privately held middle market companies seeking to obtain maximum value.  We provide the introductions and potential targets list, and your team provides the strategic know-how.

We are unique among regional firms in our capacity to bring our extensive referral network of financial, legal, managerial and entrepreneurial experience to the table.  In addition our team members have completed numerous mid-market transactions on behalf of clients.

Mid America brings new depth and dimension to the small market. We are focused and process-driven but not formulaic. We understand a fresh approach is needed to optimize value from a transaction and have the experience and insight to make it happen.  We do not insert ourselves into your deal, we simply keep the chain of communication open so the process is smooth.

We are a leader in facilitating small market sales that companies may never have heard about.. Through our Midwest affiliates we deliver the highest standard of professional services to clients. Typically these clients are profitable, growing businesses with revenues from $1 million to $15 million that represent synergistic value to the acquirer.

Intermediary Criteria

We tend to be selective in our target presentations to clients because we invest a great deal in analyzing and packaging our ideas in targeting potential sellers, and in the successful execution of our process.

Our team has completed numerous small and mid-market transactions and is experienced in conducting discrete private auctions to maximize our client’s value.

Our thorough analysis of the client and the market at the start of the engagement ensures that we eliminate unpleasant surprises and deliver exceptional outcomes for our clients.

Mid America has an extensive referral network of high level of professional investment bankers, M&A; expertise and experience typically not accessible or affordable for middle market firms in the Midwest.